Nils Navarro

Nils Navarro

Nils is author and illustrator of ENDEMIC BIRDS OF CUBA A Comprehensive Field Guide, which will be included in the program cost to all participants for trips he co-leads for CCT.

Dr. Luis M. Diaz

Dr. Luis M. Diaz

Dr. Luis M. Diaz is curator of herpetology at the Cuban National Museum of Natural History in Havana since 1998. He earned his PhD from the University of Havana in 2009. Dr. Diaz has published more than 60 papers about the systematics, natural history and conservation of Cuban amphibians and reptiles, including new species descriptions.

Dr. Giraldo Alayon

Dr. Giraldo Alayon

Dr. Giraldo Alayon is well known in the Caribbean region as the foremost expert on spiders of the West Indies and Central America. He has published more than 100 papers on the systematics and biogeography of spiders and other insects in the region.

David Allen Sibley

David Allen Sibley

David Sibley David Sibley is the author of and illustrator for  the best selling Sibley Guide to Birds, Second Edition, Sibley’s Birding Basics,the Sibley Guide to Trees, guides to birds of eastern and western North America, and other books. He writes the column “ID...
Michael Good

Michael Good

Michael Good has been involved with our Cuba programs since 2002, and is our U.S. leader for this program. Michael has over 25 years experience studying the birds of North America, and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion for neotropical migrants and the avifauna of the Eastern United States. Michael has traveled extensively in the US, Alaska, Europe, Australia, South America and Cuba.

Orlando Garrido

Orlando Garrido

Orlando Garrido retired and former curator of birds at the National Museum of Natural History in Havana —- On Monday June 24th, Orlando Garrido passed away peacefully in Havana at the age of 93. Orlando will undoubtedly be remembered as Cuba’s most...